Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Essay”
Yesterday I was fired 🔥
What better moment to reflect on life, life choices and happiness than a day after you were laid off?
Ultimately, the reasons do not matter much and will not be exposed here.
A one to zero transition:
I realized today that quitting your job (without another one planned) or being fired is a 1-to-0 transition. In physics, this is called a non-linear
transition. It describes rapidly evolving phenomena like phase transitions and the exponential growth of tiny lifeforms. We don’t practice (mentally) this 0-to-1 transition! It is, in fact, the exact opposite of a prevalent mental model of the product & business world. Pether Thiel popularized the 0-to-1 mental model in a well-known book of the same name.
The Dark Side of Authority
The Abuse of Tech Debt
I Am Not a Writer — Not Even a Native English Speaker
One Ring to Stitch Them All and in the Land of API Bind Them
Radical + Optimist
Why being optimistic?
We have to visualize, dream and tell positive stories about the world we want to build. This requires a healthy dose of radical optimism.