Tag: How-To
How to Escape the Brown Compromise Trap
We are all painters
The brown compromise is an analogy from the painting world. The story goes like this: if you ask a family of five folks living in the same house which colour they prefer, you may end up with a dataset like this one: green, yellow, blue, violet, and I don’t care (yes, this is not a colour!). You may also end up in a family (like mine) where one of the users (me!) is colour-blind and has a very different perception of the world than the other four family members.
How to Run a Why, Who, What, How Alignment Session
How Reframing Negative Experiences Can Make You Happier
How to run a prioritization session using the MosCOW framework
10x ruthless prioritization
A prioritization method to rapidly build consensus on the scope and share with your team and any stakeholder.
How to Organize a Great Team Retrospective
Being optimistic is a choice
Personal challenge: make a conscient effort to look at a negative situation and find a positive outcome…
Optimism in practice
Why you should update your wine club policies now!
Tag: Leadership
How to Escape the Brown Compromise Trap
We are all painters
The brown compromise is an analogy from the painting world. The story goes like this: if you ask a family of five folks living in the same house which colour they prefer, you may end up with a dataset like this one: green, yellow, blue, violet, and I don’t care (yes, this is not a colour!). You may also end up in a family (like mine) where one of the users (me!) is colour-blind and has a very different perception of the world than the other four family members.
The Dark Side of Authority
The pyramid of the product manager needs (Maslow inspired)
Tag: Product Management
How to Escape the Brown Compromise Trap
We are all painters
The brown compromise is an analogy from the painting world. The story goes like this: if you ask a family of five folks living in the same house which colour they prefer, you may end up with a dataset like this one: green, yellow, blue, violet, and I don’t care (yes, this is not a colour!). You may also end up in a family (like mine) where one of the users (me!) is colour-blind and has a very different perception of the world than the other four family members.
Don't give us MVPs we want minimally enjoyable products!
Minimally Viable Products are a myth or, if you prefer a mental model. Always wrong but sometimes useful.

Original Image: Making sense of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and why I prefer Earliest Testable/Usable/Lovable by Henrik Kniberg
Very much like Prometheus and the fire or Icarus and the sun they are powerful analogies and ideas that shape our view of the world. A tribute to their power is that, thousands of years after their creation, we still relate to them even if their initial context is long gone.
Tag: Happiness
Happiness: a Dance of Openness and Closure
Navigating the Rhythms of the Mind

An elephant at sunset by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unspash
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unspash
Our mind operates with two main paradigms. Open or closed.
Openness is the feeling we experience when connecting directly with our experience. It can be while being in the flow state, as identified by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi where we lose our sense of time and solicit our brain effortlessly. We have multiple expressions for these states.
Yesterday I was fired 🔥
What better moment to reflect on life, life choices and happiness than a day after you were laid off?
Ultimately, the reasons do not matter much and will not be exposed here.
A one to zero transition:
I realized today that quitting your job (without another one planned) or being fired is a 1-to-0 transition. In physics, this is called a non-linear
transition. It describes rapidly evolving phenomena like phase transitions and the exponential growth of tiny lifeforms. We don’t practice (mentally) this 0-to-1 transition! It is, in fact, the exact opposite of a prevalent mental model of the product & business world. Pether Thiel popularized the 0-to-1 mental model in a well-known book of the same name.
Tag: Optimist
Happiness: a Dance of Openness and Closure
Navigating the Rhythms of the Mind

An elephant at sunset by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unspash
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unspash
Our mind operates with two main paradigms. Open or closed.
Openness is the feeling we experience when connecting directly with our experience. It can be while being in the flow state, as identified by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi where we lose our sense of time and solicit our brain effortlessly. We have multiple expressions for these states.
How Reframing Negative Experiences Can Make You Happier
Radical + Optimist
Why being optimistic?
We have to visualize, dream and tell positive stories about the world we want to build. This requires a healthy dose of radical optimism.
Tag: Psychology
Happiness: a Dance of Openness and Closure
Navigating the Rhythms of the Mind

An elephant at sunset by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unspash
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unspash
Our mind operates with two main paradigms. Open or closed.
Openness is the feeling we experience when connecting directly with our experience. It can be while being in the flow state, as identified by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi where we lose our sense of time and solicit our brain effortlessly. We have multiple expressions for these states.
How Reframing Negative Experiences Can Make You Happier
Being optimistic is a choice
Personal challenge: make a conscient effort to look at a negative situation and find a positive outcome…
Optimism in practice
Tag: Essay
Yesterday I was fired 🔥
What better moment to reflect on life, life choices and happiness than a day after you were laid off?
Ultimately, the reasons do not matter much and will not be exposed here.
A one to zero transition:
I realized today that quitting your job (without another one planned) or being fired is a 1-to-0 transition. In physics, this is called a non-linear
transition. It describes rapidly evolving phenomena like phase transitions and the exponential growth of tiny lifeforms. We don’t practice (mentally) this 0-to-1 transition! It is, in fact, the exact opposite of a prevalent mental model of the product & business world. Pether Thiel popularized the 0-to-1 mental model in a well-known book of the same name.
The Dark Side of Authority
The Abuse of Tech Debt
I Am Not a Writer — Not Even a Native English Speaker
One Ring to Stitch Them All and in the Land of API Bind Them
Radical + Optimist
Why being optimistic?
We have to visualize, dream and tell positive stories about the world we want to build. This requires a healthy dose of radical optimism.
The pyramid of the product manager needs (Maslow inspired)
Tag: Work
Yesterday I was fired 🔥
What better moment to reflect on life, life choices and happiness than a day after you were laid off?
Ultimately, the reasons do not matter much and will not be exposed here.
A one to zero transition:
I realized today that quitting your job (without another one planned) or being fired is a 1-to-0 transition. In physics, this is called a non-linear
transition. It describes rapidly evolving phenomena like phase transitions and the exponential growth of tiny lifeforms. We don’t practice (mentally) this 0-to-1 transition! It is, in fact, the exact opposite of a prevalent mental model of the product & business world. Pether Thiel popularized the 0-to-1 mental model in a well-known book of the same name.
Tag: Book
📖 Nudge: Why Product Managers Should Become Proficient Choice Architects
📖 Never Split The Difference: the art of contextual questioning with respect and empathy.
Tag: Choice
📖 Nudge: Why Product Managers Should Become Proficient Choice Architects
Tag: Authority
The Dark Side of Authority
Tag: Business
Trifecta: How to maximize a product teams impact
Introduction & Definition
In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of “trifecta” (also called triad in some organizations) that I have seen used successfully in the past both at start-up and even at large scale organizations (ex: Shopify).
Let’s start with a definition. The trifecta represents a subset of a product team whose goals are to capture systematically:
- value: for the business
- usability: for the user
- feasibility: technological, ethical, legal, etc.
Valuable & Usable & Feasible are the trifecta goal!
I will use the term craft in this article and would also like to define it: a craft is one or more people inside the product-team with their hierarchy, rituals and specialties. Example of craft includes engineering (sometimes back-end, front-end, mobile), UX (designer, researcher, content specialist, etc.), Product (product manager, product owner, product lead, etc.), data-science (data-scientist, etc.), commercial, legal, etc. Each organization is different and has a different structure to execute its mission. In this article, I will refer to “craft” as the various specialties & hierarchies that exist within the organization.
Tag: Product
Trifecta: How to maximize a product teams impact
Introduction & Definition
In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of “trifecta” (also called triad in some organizations) that I have seen used successfully in the past both at start-up and even at large scale organizations (ex: Shopify).
Let’s start with a definition. The trifecta represents a subset of a product team whose goals are to capture systematically:
- value: for the business
- usability: for the user
- feasibility: technological, ethical, legal, etc.
Valuable & Usable & Feasible are the trifecta goal!
I will use the term craft in this article and would also like to define it: a craft is one or more people inside the product-team with their hierarchy, rituals and specialties. Example of craft includes engineering (sometimes back-end, front-end, mobile), UX (designer, researcher, content specialist, etc.), Product (product manager, product owner, product lead, etc.), data-science (data-scientist, etc.), commercial, legal, etc. Each organization is different and has a different structure to execute its mission. In this article, I will refer to “craft” as the various specialties & hierarchies that exist within the organization.
How to Organize a Great Team Retrospective
Tag: UX
Trifecta: How to maximize a product teams impact
Introduction & Definition
In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of “trifecta” (also called triad in some organizations) that I have seen used successfully in the past both at start-up and even at large scale organizations (ex: Shopify).
Let’s start with a definition. The trifecta represents a subset of a product team whose goals are to capture systematically:
- value: for the business
- usability: for the user
- feasibility: technological, ethical, legal, etc.
Valuable & Usable & Feasible are the trifecta goal!
I will use the term craft in this article and would also like to define it: a craft is one or more people inside the product-team with their hierarchy, rituals and specialties. Example of craft includes engineering (sometimes back-end, front-end, mobile), UX (designer, researcher, content specialist, etc.), Product (product manager, product owner, product lead, etc.), data-science (data-scientist, etc.), commercial, legal, etc. Each organization is different and has a different structure to execute its mission. In this article, I will refer to “craft” as the various specialties & hierarchies that exist within the organization.
Tag: Joy
Don't give us MVPs we want minimally enjoyable products!
Minimally Viable Products are a myth or, if you prefer a mental model. Always wrong but sometimes useful.

Original Image: Making sense of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and why I prefer Earliest Testable/Usable/Lovable by Henrik Kniberg
Very much like Prometheus and the fire or Icarus and the sun they are powerful analogies and ideas that shape our view of the world. A tribute to their power is that, thousands of years after their creation, we still relate to them even if their initial context is long gone.
Tag: Alignment
How to Run a Why, Who, What, How Alignment Session
Tag: Product Manager
How to Run a Why, Who, What, How Alignment Session
How to run a prioritization session using the MosCOW framework
10x ruthless prioritization
A prioritization method to rapidly build consensus on the scope and share with your team and any stakeholder.
From Product to Platform — Conclusion (5/5)
From Product to Platform — Platform Revolutions (4/5)
From product to platform: A PM journey
How platforms can evolve. Tectonic and violent revolution or more subtle and frequent iterations? How the Pareto principle can help make better decisions.
From Product to Platform — Platform Mental Models (3/5)
The journey of a Product manager: from product to platform.
Useful mental models to better understand platforms: Superset of knowledge, Ecosystem, Infinite Game, Compounded interest
From Product to Platform — Increased Complexity (2/5)
Journey of a Product manager, from product to platform: complexity!
Platforms are more complex than products. This post highlight the specific domains where platforms are more complex than products.
From Product Manager to Platform Manager — the Partners’ Impact(1/5)
The pyramid of the product manager needs (Maslow inspired)
Tag: Tech Debt
The Abuse of Tech Debt
Tag: API
One Ring to Stitch Them All and in the Land of API Bind Them
Tag: GraphQL
One Ring to Stitch Them All and in the Land of API Bind Them
Tag: Prioritization
How to run a prioritization session using the MosCOW framework
10x ruthless prioritization
A prioritization method to rapidly build consensus on the scope and share with your team and any stakeholder.
Tag: DTC
Why should you operate more than one wine club?
Why you should update your wine club policies now!
Value chain in the wine Industry
What Direct To Consumer represents for genuine wine makers
Tag: Wine
Why should you operate more than one wine club?
Why you should update your wine club policies now!
Value chain in the wine Industry
What Direct To Consumer represents for genuine wine makers
Tag: Wine Club
Why should you operate more than one wine club?
Why you should update your wine club policies now!
Tag: Platform
From Product to Platform — Conclusion (5/5)
From Product to Platform — Platform Revolutions (4/5)
From product to platform: A PM journey
How platforms can evolve. Tectonic and violent revolution or more subtle and frequent iterations? How the Pareto principle can help make better decisions.
From Product to Platform — Platform Mental Models (3/5)
The journey of a Product manager: from product to platform.
Useful mental models to better understand platforms: Superset of knowledge, Ecosystem, Infinite Game, Compounded interest
From Product to Platform — Increased Complexity (2/5)
Journey of a Product manager, from product to platform: complexity!
Platforms are more complex than products. This post highlight the specific domains where platforms are more complex than products.
Tag: Plaform
From Product Manager to Platform Manager — the Partners’ Impact(1/5)
Tag: Negotiation
📖 Never Split The Difference: the art of contextual questioning with respect and empathy.
Tag: Soft Skill
📖 Never Split The Difference: the art of contextual questioning with respect and empathy.
Tag: Agility
📖 Book review: Sense & Respond
A great book for knowledge workers. This is a map to help you navigate in our increasingly digital world.
Sense and respond, product management, teal organizations, reinventing organizations
Tag: Books
📖 Book review: Sense & Respond
A great book for knowledge workers. This is a map to help you navigate in our increasingly digital world.
Sense and respond, product management, teal organizations, reinventing organizations
Tag: Optimism
Being optimistic is a choice
Personal challenge: make a conscient effort to look at a negative situation and find a positive outcome…
Optimism in practice